The brutal murder of Ngleshie Alata priest, Numo Ayittey Konko by land guards sent shock waves across the entire Ga state last year. It is against this backdrop that his family is calling on president John Mahama to instruct IGP to open an investigation into this wicked act.
According to the family, police were then afraid under the previous government simply because, they brazenly supported the illegitimate candidate hence their unwillingness to open investigation into the murder. The family confidence keep soaring since the president asked IGP Dampare to investigate election 2020 and 2024 killings. To them this is a clear indication that crime has no expiry date, and believe that Numo Ayittey Konko killers will surely face the full force of the law.
Putting the facts bear, they Chronicled the history of Ngleshie Alata James Town throne that even on January 27, 1939 there was a chief called Wotse Kojo II.
“So how come almost a century later someone want to be called the same Wotse Kojo II? If he is genuine it should had been the 3rd not 2nd,” They quizzed.
The family put the blame squarely at the door step of regional police commander Dcop Arhin and his deputy regional commander. Instead of doing professional policing, they were rather in bed with the illegitimate person, and kept harassing chiefs who opposed them.
They had tacit approval from people like; former chieftaincy minister, former Greater Accra regional minister, big security capo at the Jubilee House as well as president of national house of chiefs, Nana Yaw Ogyeahoho and Enoch Addo.
Both Nii Okpe V the Dzasetse of Ngleshie Alata and Nii Akontua Kojo X, (stool father/king maker) have categorically rejected the man in question yet he to want call himself a chief.
The family says because of this cruelty they prayed for president John Mahama’s victory to enable them get justice, hence this appeal. They are once again calling for the removal of regional police commander and his deputy, reading between the lines, they are not there for the people but rather their personal interest. Instead of allowing James town police to carry out investigations into the killing of our priest, he instructed for the docket to be sent to the regional command and no one has been arrested since the sad event occurred. They are rather given police protection to the very person who brought those land guards to the palace. And absolutely nothing is being done to fish out the criminals.
The police legal department even advised DCOP Arhin and his deputy about pending legal issues at the court against the said man, but they were emboldened by the support from then government. This recklessness led to the killing of Numo Ayittey Konko. Nii Okpe is urging Nii Akuntua Kojo and the family to demand justice for their late brother.
They believe His excellency John Mahama is a listening president. For this reason they are appealing to him to tell IGP Dampare to open an investigation into the death of Ngleshie Alata James town priest.
By so doing the perpetrators will be brought to book, Numo Ayittey Konko wouldn’t have died in vain, and the family will also earn a deserve justice